
As a Taiheiyo Club member, you can experience
the luxurious, elegant times and spaces that only
a prestigious golf club with tradition and formality
can offer. Our top-level courses and services
will create a blissful time to spend with your family
and closest golfing partners.We are committed to
delivering the finest club life of the sort
that can only be enjoyed
at the Taiheiyo Club.

Member’s Voice 最高の仲間に囲まれたクラブライフ

At the Taiheiyo Club, you can spend a blissful moment with your family and closest golfing partners. Let us share some of the valuable comments from our members.

Enjoying golf to your heart's contentwith fellow golfers.

(Ms. Ogasawara) “I feel each season very keenly when I am on a golf course. Especially in the winter, when I drink a cup of coffee and eat some chocolate while playing in the cold, I feel happy, as it reminds me that it's winter.” (Ms. Kanayama) “When I was at the Karuizawa Resort at the end of one summer, I saw dragonflies flying around me, and we all remarked that autumn was approaching. You don't really feel this sort of thing when you are in a city. ” When asked about their experience playing at the Taiheiyo Club, Ms. Ogasawara responded, "Every year, I play a round at the Gotemba Course about a week before the Mitsui Sumitomo VISA Taiheiyo Masters. I even take pictures of the scoreboard before the game, thinking to myself, ‘The pros are really going to play here soon!’ It feels so good!”
Finally, we asked Ms. Kanayama about her favorite courses. "I enjoy playing at the Minori Course and the Narita Course, but I also like the Karuizawa Resort because they allow us to use golf carts on the fairways. Also, if our children get bored, we can take them to a room at the resort's accommodations to rest. It's hard to find a golf course that offers such services."

成田コース 小笠原 眞由様(右)・金山 直美様(左)


